en pt

This project is a satiric newspaper with a social focus, whose objective is to question and incentivize the reader to reflect about the world. It showcases articles that talk and analyze injustices and oppressions that are present globally.

Just like its name shows (design, art and opinion), it's a newspaper created by design university students, utilizing art as a vehicle for their opinions. The publication's slogan “um antídoto para a ignorância” (the antidote for ignorance) expresses the objective of the article selection. The newspaper is divided by sections, such as "à cabeça" (at the head), "coração" (heart), “alma” (soul), and others, as well as having an extra supplement. These sections separate the articles topics, that go from global issues to gender identity questions.

Design, Arte e Opinião's process was long with a unique timeline, since we were a group of 6 elements. Each one had their own tasks that would go from creating the newspaper's grids, selecting the articles, graphical work or webdesign. After some time, the tasks rotated so that everyone could experience every job. This resulted in a challenge where communication was crucial. The extensive design guide we created was a key solution, because it would back us up whenever we had doubts.