en pt

This project had the objective of creating a physical magazine, with a supporting website, that focused on the topic of ageing and loneliness from a youthful perspective.
Since it’s a distant reality, most of the younger generations don’t reflect about these important issues that they will experience one day. In this publication we share articles about sexuality, race, gender and social class that impact loneliness at an older age, while accompanying them with possible solutions other projects have come up with.

One of the biggest difficulties was making this topic interesting to the younger generations. How do you show the importance of something to someone who doesn’t suffer from it? To solve this, we talked to various groups around the age of 18-25 (our target group) and surveyed them. We experimented with multiple aesthetics and strategies (some showcased here). We finalized this with splitting the magazine into two, where one half focuses on articles written by young people about growing old, and the other shows articles and projects directly connected to older people. This way we empathized with our users while also showcasing other points of view.